The Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court is the most important judicial power that America has ever had. Many aspects of the video shocked like how many cases The Supreme Court receives more than 100 cases a week and over 7, 000 cases a year; they end up only selecting about 100 of the 7,000 a year. Another thing about The Supreme Court I did not know about was the process of conversation when talking about these cases. Before every meeting they have, everyone shakes hand to start the conversation on good terms. I also was not aware of how often opinions change during their meetings. 

    The biggest takeaway point that I learned about The Supreme Court is the mindset of the justices. After a case review or meeting they evaluate their argument: What was the argument you wanted to give? What argument did you give? What argument do you wish you ended up giving? This authentic perspective was extremely fascinating to me because this is not something outsiders to the process think about. We assume that these justices handle pressure well and do not ever feel stressed or overwhelmed. Obviously, everyone messes up so it is important to focus on humanizing these individuals. This video really opened up my eyes to the overall process. Everything that already seems complicated is ten times more difficult than one could assume. This, therefore, helped me gain a new respect for these justices as they work so hard to protect our country and its citizens. 


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