"In the Age of AI", a FRONTLINE PBS special, Artificial Intelligence is analyzed and evaluated by scientists and journalists. The topic in question is: One day, will the human race rely on artificial intelligence? It is fascinating how fast artificial intelligence is evolving. The conversation of artificial intelligence used to be talked about lightly because people believed that there was no way that AI was possible. But now, we are not just having the conversation, we are officially in the AI era. It was completely mind-blowing to me how the documentary started off: the AlphaGo game. They took the most skilled player in the entire world, Lee Sedol, and made him play rounds of AlphaGo against a computer system. Out of the five rounds, Lee Sedol only won one round.    Besides the obvious cons of artificial intelligence, there are some pros. With the help of new technology, machinery, and artificial intelligence, products can be made quicker and delivered to consumers more efficiently. The documentary touches on how fast transportation has improved thanks to artificial intelligence. We have electric and self-driving cars now. Other countries are seeing our progress with AI and are actively working their way up to try and compete with our systems. Privacy is the biggest concern when it comes to the conversation of artificial intelligence. The biggest con surrounding privacy is that with better technology, comes easier access. These companies now have access to our lives better than before and that is extremely concerning. This correlates with internet safety and protecting our identities. The pros are that in the same ways that AI is violating our privacy there are more systems to stop hackers from getting into our accounts. Ironically, this allows everyone out of our information except for the businesses who created these arrangements.    National security is being talked about more than ever, now that artificial intelligence is improving rapidly. Government agencies have access to these softwares now and can do more than ever. The documentary even talks about how they think that artificial intelligence programs will be able to prevent some terrorism events. Should we be giving these high power individuals this much power? Will these advancements come back around and hurt us badly, as a society? 


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