My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

1. All Sides

    "All Sides" is my number one trusted news source. I was introduced to it in my Senior Year government class. I prefer All Sides over other sources because it automatically gives you the bias rating on every single article you choose. It covers global news and has extensive coverage on important stories that never end up making main news media (CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc...). By using All Sides, I know exactly what I am reading and am given outside information that is not provided on other platforms. 

2. The Wall Street Journal

    The Wall Street Journal is another source that I enjoy using to get my news. Like All Sides, The Wall Street Journal tries its hardest to cover stories that are normally pushed out of the main, central news media. Another reason I like using WSJ is because of the photos that they supply. The majority of articles that you select will have photos from that event that will, then, appear. As a visual learner/reader I appreciate these visuals as they help me understand the situation. This sources does a wonderful job of organizing their site to help readers navigate easily. 

3. Associated Press News

    Associated Press News is a great global source, like All Sides. They are very trustworthy because their bias rating is one of the most neutral. Therefore, anyone no matter their political views, can get reliable news. Their website is extremely easy to navigate and the home page immediately gives you the top stories of the day. I also like AP News because there is a side bar full of concerning stories, most of the time I have never heard of, that are massive global stories but still never make the mainstream news. 

4.  Reuters

    Reuters is a very similar source to Associated Press News. Like AP News, they have a decent amount of global coverage. They even have their own "World" tab on their top banner, along with unrelated tabs like "Sports" and "Technology". By adding these topics, they are expanding their demographic. Reuters has a massive committee of reporters who are collecting material for their site. This organization is not just an exceptional source for Americans, but for everyone, as Reuters is translated into 16 languages. This shows they care about their readers and trust their own work/words.

5. NPR

    NPR is a world renowned news source that caters towards everyone, no matter their political standings. NPR provides easy access to articles, podcasts, music, and high definition photos. All of which can, and have, help define their credibility as a news source. Like Reuters, they have a very neutral bias rating; therefore, you know what you are reading is not being twisted in any way. It is even stated that in 2019, 30.2 million people tuned in every week to listen to NPR podcasts and shows. Finally, NPR is based in the heart of Washington D.C. and was created by many Congressmen. Having legitimate politicians supervise this website adds to NPR's eligibility to be one of the most reliable sources out there. 


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